DBUS and Wine ?

Seth Nickell Seth Nickell" <seth@gnome.org
Tue, 7 Oct 2003 16:20:25 -0700

>>  There are lots of complicated examples (the wrapper APIs use the raw C
>>  APIs, and the bus daemon uses the raw C APIs).
> In which directory or file?

You could also look at dbus.py (in dbus/python), which can give you a 
higher level example of what the different calls mean and how they work 

> But there are something I didn't understand. Can I use dbus with only 
> two process, or must I use

Yes, dbus can work directly process to process. I would expect most 
desktop apps would work through the bus daemon, because otherwise you 
have to re-solve the problem of making an initial connection. But you 
don't *have* to.
