windbus dbus-sysdeps-win.c

Wilson Khoo wilson_ua at
Wed Apr 16 09:19:35 PDT 2008

   I am running win dbus (lastest code from the page) in a secure network. When I run dbus-test and I get failure on NetUSerGetInfo(), error message as shown below. Stepping thru the code, the function fill_win_user_info_homedir is unable to get NetUserGetInfo. I am guessing because I am on a secure network I have issue getting this info? how can I go around this issue?

dbus-test: checking for memleaks
dbus-test: running userdb tests
NetUserGetInfo() failed with errorcode 2221 'The user name could not be found.',
    Current user: NET\wkhoo homedir: \
dbus-test: checking for memleaks
dbus-test: running keyring tests
NetUserGetInfo() failed with errorcode 2221 'The user name could not be found.',
Using your real home directory for testing, set DBUS_TEST_HOMEDIR to avoid  1 keys in test

  Little to no networking background here. In my session config, I reconfigure the file to listen to my tcp address shown in ipconfig instead of the default localhost.

  <!-- tcp:host=localhost,port=12434 -->

To use the default setting, I will get "Failed to start message bus: Failed to bind socket "localhost:12434": Address already in use". I am running Ubuntu on a virtual machine and I had the dbus-daemon listening on 2 paths. the tcp path address I obtained it using ifconfig. could this post as a problem? 


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