recommended way to document DBUS interfaces

Alexander Neundorf neundorf at
Thu Nov 27 01:16:14 PST 2008

On Wednesday 26 November 2008 13:32:22 Will Thompson wrote:
> Hi,
> The Telepathy specification is written in an augmented version of
> introspection XML, and we have scripts to generate HTML (as seen at
> ) and a DevHelp index, and to
> generate C bindings in the shape of GObject interfaces. I believe
> telepathy-qt4 uses the same code generation tool to generate Qt-ish C++
> interfaces.
> The HTMLification tools are in the 'tools' directory of
> ; the code generator is
> in the 'tools' directory of
> . Sadly, the only
> documentation of the XML format is the format itself, and it's a bit
> ad-hoc.

Thanks for the pointer, I'm starting to use it right now.
Something like this should indeed be added to the introspection file format.
With these additional tags like tp:struct or tp_enum I can specify what I 
actually mean instead of only saying "here's an int". This makes the xml 
description much more useful.


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