AMD: amdgpu/radeonsi support for mobile FirePro?

Felix Schwarz at
Fri Jan 8 12:31:05 PST 2016

Am 08.01.2016 um 21:00 schrieb Alex G.S.:
> What's the support status of the  AMD FirePro W5170M and AMD FirePro W5130M. 
> I'm confused as to whether these will support 'radeonsi' or 'amdgpu'. 

I think that is a false dichotomy. The (free) Linux driver consists of a
kernel part and a (or actual several) userspace components.

For the kernel part there is the "radeon" driver and the new "amdgpu" driver.
Mesa contains a "r600g" and a "radeonsi" part (+ other drivers for really old hw).

Even the newest GCN 1.2 cards are powered by radeonsi in userspace - just
using the amdgpu kernel driver.

According to [1] both the FirePro W5170M and the FirePro W5130M are GCN 1.0
cards which means - IIRC(!) - that they use the "radeon" kernel driver (and
the radeonsi mesa driver.


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