Adding AppData files for frameworks

James purpleidea at
Fri Jan 8 12:18:57 UTC 2016

On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 6:02 AM, Richard Hughes <hughsient at> wrote:
>>>   <project_license>GPL-2.0+</project_license>
>> This is tricky. The runtime is a combination of many licenses. What
>> should it show? All? The major ones? None? "Various"?
> Wel, gnome-software needs to decide if it's free or non-free so we can
> label it in the UI. "Various" is going to be understood as nonfree by
> the parser if it's not a valid SPDX license ID. I think it's a pain,
> but I think listing them all is the only way to go here, legally.

Instead of listing all of the licenses (kind of a PITA) you can list
the license the entire work is covered by. For example, if the
software is a combination of ApacheV2 and GPLv3+ you only need to list
GPLv3+ since the whole work is licensed this way.


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