Why Flatpak? Isn't Snap enough?

Pierre-Yves Luyten py at luyten.fr
Fri Jan 5 08:15:15 UTC 2018


thanks for this discussion since it does provide real input
while the thread could have been a disaster

still people like me will want even more information =)

Le 2018-01-04 20:38, Jasper St. Pierre a écrit :
> We haven't won if that page now says "Select Your Download Format:
> .snap, .flatpak, .appimage, .zeroinstall", we've just shifted the yard
> lines. It's good *technical* progress that all four of those now work
> no matter what your underlying operating system is, but developers
> still have to do cross-builds for all the possible formats users want,
> and users still have to pick a favorite. As long as we fight on
> technical grounds alone and use a "let the best flowers blossom"
> approach, we won't achieve our goals.

- how would you fight on other ground than technical?
   marketing will not kill fragmentation.

- sometimes, technical ground kills fragmentation.
   when it does not then, it is because tech battle is a better ground 
   progress than monopoly.

- do we really lose if, instead of ten packaging format working
   only with one specific version of distro, we only have
   flatpak and snap?

- there was an initiative for fedora to mass produce flatpak
   would be interesting to follow up


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