"newbie"-question?!? How to access every used document of flatpack - Libreoffice ioutside the sandbox of flatpak?

Stephan Bergmann sbergman at redhat.com
Fri Aug 26 13:43:06 UTC 2022

On 8/26/22 15:17, Herbert Gluth wrote:
> My problem: I have more than 50 contunuously updated, sometimes
> substantially changed ducuments in use inside LibreOffice.
> Using the AppImage of LibreOffice I simply was able to access every
> document directly, process and save it at it's original location.
> Flatpak uses sandboxing and my access ends at the sandbox - what simply
> is impossible to work with (as these documents need to be accessed not
> only by LibreOffice and not only inside flatpak-ed applications.
> So how can I use LibreOffice flatpak to conventionally (=fully) access
> ducuments?

Unless you deliberately override that, the LibreOffice flatpak has full 
access to the host filesystem, so I'm not sure what kind of missing 
access you are talking about.

You need to be more specific:  Given one of your documents, where is 
that document located, how do you try to access it from within 
LibreOffice, and how exactly does that fail?

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