"newbie"-question?!? How to access every used document of flatpack - Libreoffice ioutside the sandbox of flatpak?

Herbert Gluth no_op_2022 at web.de
Fri Aug 26 14:21:28 UTC 2022

That's incorrect.
 From inside LibreOffice there's basically no access to even a folder
inside /usr/local, which is owned by the user-account inside the system
(made because /usr and /usr/local was meant to keep bigger folders witch
larger files primarily... and are located on my HD, while / is located
on a SSD for quick access.
Specifically I can't find several .ods files in even my home folder
and,,, inside /usr/local/data there're even less files visible.
The strange thing is, that about 1/3 of the files inside are visible and
accessible, but 2/3 are not even displayed (all of them .ods -
spredsheet files).

The next issue: I need the finished proessed files in the physical
folder, means: I need LibreOffice's results not inside some hidden
sandbox, but instead in the folder where they were loaded -
/usr/local/data. But saving a document doesn't change the content of the
physical directory, what means, that the saved file still is only
located in LO-flatpak's sandbox... is there a way to circumvent this
very unproductive behavior?

Am 26.08.22 um 15:43 schrieb Stephan Bergmann:
> On 8/26/22 15:17, Herbert Gluth wrote:
>> My problem: I have more than 50 contunuously updated, sometimes
>> substantially changed ducuments in use inside LibreOffice.
>> Using the AppImage of LibreOffice I simply was able to access every
>> document directly, process and save it at it's original location.
>> Flatpak uses sandboxing and my access ends at the sandbox - what simply
>> is impossible to work with (as these documents need to be accessed not
>> only by LibreOffice and not only inside flatpak-ed applications.
>> So how can I use LibreOffice flatpak to conventionally (=fully) access
>> ducuments?
> Unless you deliberately override that, the LibreOffice flatpak has
> full access to the host filesystem, so I'm not sure what kind of
> missing access you are talking about.
> You need to be more specific:  Given one of your documents, where is
> that document located, how do you try to access it from within
> LibreOffice, and how exactly does that fail?

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