[gst-devel] RFC: GNOME 2.0 Multimedia strategy
Christian Schaller
Uraeus at linuxrising.org
Sat May 19 00:20:16 CEST 2001
hi good people,
This mail was just sent to gnome-hackers mailing list. I am sending it
here to for your information.
On 18 May 2001 22:35:56 +0200, Christian Schaller wrote:
> During GUADEC 2 there was some discussion about what we should do with
> multimedia support in regards to GNOME 2.0. The general concensus is
> that ESD has to go, and there was also a leaning towards replacing it
> with artsd in order to both get a better soundserver and to have
> increased compatibility with KDE. In this document I will try to outline
> why I think that will be a to limited approach. I would like to point
> out that I have personally been trying to help out with GStreamer for
> some time now, so I could be percieved as biased :)
> Why is this important to decide now:
> Due to the limited time until the GNOME 2.0 freeze we need to quickly
> finalize the strategy for Multimedia in GNOME 2.0 in order for audio and
> video applications developers to be able to port their applications in
> time.
> What should be done:
> The basis for my proposal is that we adopt GStreamer
> (http://www.gstreamer.net) as the official sound and video API for GNOME
> 2.0. This will give wide ranging advantages for GNOME.
> a) We will not only have sound but also video support. Gstreamer today
> supports AVI, Quicktime, Mpeg, FLI and VOB files and more are in the
> works.
> b) Greater flexibility in regards to sound output. All GNOME
> applications based upon GStreamer will then be able to output either
> directly to the native sound architecture or through sound servers such
> as ESD, artsd or gnostream. The idea here is to have a controlcenter
> applet which will let the user choose a default output type. Today many
> of the GNOME multimedia applets and applications either just support ESD
> or they have a large library of their own output plug-ins. This we can
> now solve in a much better way. Just porting these apps to artsd would
> just give us the same situation with a better soundserver.
> c) Using GStreamer will be a better long term solution for GNOME since
> it is created using glib for the backend and all the current sample
> applications are developed using the GNOME libraries.
> d) While artsd is really good as a soundserver, its design is not that
> ideal for videoserving. Using GStreamer we can output to artsd for KDE
> compatability (gstreamer already supports artsd) but also switch to a
> more video&audio based setup like gnostream
> (http://gnostream.sourceforge.net)
> when it becomes available witouth having to rewrite applications. This
> also solves the problem with audio/video sync when using a standalone
> soundserver as those of you who talked with Jim Gettys during GUADEC2
> probably are aware of.
> e) We will have a full featured multimedia architecture making GNOME the
> natural development environment for MM applications. Remember GStreamer
> isn't a mediaplayer, it is a multimedia architecture which already
> supports encoding of videos and sound too.
> f) We will have a multimedia architecture with broad developer support
> and commercial support. RidgeRun has 1 fulltime and 2 people part-time
> on GStreamer. GStreamer has in addition to that we have around 12-13
> developers helping out in their spare time or as partime on company
> time. Considering the number of commits to GNOME multimedia currently in
> CVS I think this will give us a incredible incredible increase in
> developer time on our multimedia support.
> g) Long time GNOME developers are already working on GStreamer
> integration and improvement. Arik Devens for instance is the maintainer
> of the gstmediaplay Mediaplayer application bundled with Gstreamer. Erdi
> Gergo is working with us to make his bonobo-media compoents work with
> GStreamer. Bastien Nocera (hadess) has created gnome-vfs input and
> output plugins and is creating a iTunes clone for GNOME based upon
> GStreamer.
> h) Having something as GStreamer as part of the GNOME development
> platform means that we could for instance use it in Nautilus to easily
> create a music view which supports all audio formats GStreamer supports
> instead of having to create new code for each format. We could also do
> video preview if that is of interest.
> i) A GStreamer Mozilla plugin is in the works which would be a great
> benefit since all our applications using Mozilla for html like Mozilla,
> Galeon and Nautilus would be able to easily support multimedia webpages
> out of the box.
> For a full rundown on what is supported and is worked upon in GStreamer
> I suggest taking a look at the current roadmap for the upcomming 0.2.0
> release of GStreamer.
> http://www.linuxrising.com/files/gstreroadmap2.html
> Challenges for the GStreamer project:
> Currently GStreamer has a small core component written in assembler
> (cothreads). This part is currently only ported to Intel, Sparc, ARM,
> Alpha and PowerPC. The remaining asm cores can be writen blind (like
> succesfully done with SPARC) but testers to confirm success would be
> needed. In the long run these asm parts will probably be replaced by GNU
> Pth with IBM's N:M mods which is a pthread safe C-only implementation.
> Another problem is that while GStreamer very much want to be part of
> GNOME, they also want to keep their independence due to being also
> targeted at non-gnome systems, especially embeded ones. So moving
> GStreamer from SF CVS will probably not be of interest to the GStreamer
> developers. Maintaining a release library at ftp.gnome.org should
> however be no problem.
> A major feaure currently missing in GStreamer is MIDI. There is no
> special reason for this except that none of the developers have gotten
> around to implementing it yet.
> Another thing needed is a simple API layer between GStreamer and GNOME
> to enable simple stuff like `gnome_play_sound("bleep.wav")` for all
> those apps not in need of the full GStreamer API. This will be based
> upon the current gstmediaplay API (libgstplay).
> What is currently needed:
> In order to get this kickstarted and ready to run for the GNOME 2.0
> release there need to be a general consensus from the GNOME
> hackers that this is the way forward (that would be true either way
> actually), so we can send out the message to applet and applications
> developers to start looking into porting their applications to the new
> API. This decision doesn't need to mean we don't bundle and use artsd
> with GNOME 2.0 and use that as the default GStreamer audio output, but
> it gives us flexibility for the future and users the option of using
> other technologies which might fit their needs better.
> Christian
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