[gst-devel] "No such element or plugin mad"

vishwanath H.G visuu2003 at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 13 05:06:07 CET 2004

I successfully cross-compiled the Gstreamer-0.8.7 & gst-plugins-0.8.6 for ARM. When I run 
 #  gst-inspect mad 
No such element or plugin mad
I have given the path to mad plugin also.Even i got the same error for "gst-inspect fakesrc".
If I run " gst-register, it create "registry.xml" under /root/.gstreamer-0.8/ 
Loaded  plugins 0 and elements 0
As far as i know , It not able to find the correct plugins path.
Can someone point me to the problem?
Let me know your thoughts.

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