[gst-devel] Developer jobs for jukebox project

daniel.poelzleithner poelzi at poelzi.org
Fri Jul 23 15:30:01 CEST 2004

Hash: SHA1


i'm working on my multi media p2p jukebox project for a while and would
like to have another core developer who works on it.
It's a total rewrite based on gobject, gstreamer, libxml2 written in
python. The standard GUI is written in gtk.

There will be two operation modi, a server mode and a client mode. Both
modi can communicate over a jabber like xml stream with each other.
However, the client can also act as a server for local playback.
Files between different instances will be shared transparently.
Here an example:
Server runs a tabula-musica server
Client runs a tabula-musica client

Now you can play files, that the server provide on you client or play
them on the server instance (when you have the proper rights for this)

It's also possible to link Servers together and merge their media files
into one pool.

I just upgraded to mediawiki and moved it on my own webserver.
The new URL is http://tabula-musica.poelzi.org

The old content will be merged tomorrow.

Maybe anyone is interested.

~ Daniel

- --
"it takes, takes, takes and gives nihil back, nihil, nihil, nihil"

.. . .. ... . . .. . ... . .. . ... . . .
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