[gst-devel] Is gstreamer what I need?

Ken Seehart ken at seehart.com
Wed Apr 25 21:28:09 CEST 2007

BTW, if it would help, I can post a $2000 bounty on a wxPython 
application that demonstrates the functionality listed below by May 1, 
2007.  The result would be open source.  If you are interested, I can 
provide you with a simple wxPython demo application that displays video 
from a frame buffer connected to VideoCapture (a Windows-only webcam 
capture library).  My wxPython demo app could easily be made to display 
any flat RGB frame buffer, so you don't need to worry about GUI 
development.  If that schedule is a bit tight, we can negotiate a little.

Anyone interested?

- Ken Seehart

Ken Seehart wrote:
> What I need :
> - multi-platform (Linux, Windows, Mac OSX)
> - python bindings
> - streaming download from our server to our client (I need to develop 
> both the client and the server)
> - simple audio/video conferencing (one source to many viewers)
> - ability to play videos (only need one format, and it doesn't matter 
> which one)
> - ability to go to a specified time index during video playback (to 
> within a 500ms)
> - ability to know the current time index during video playback (to 
> within a 500ms)
> - interface to webcam devices on all target platforms (Linux, Windows, 
> Mac OSX)
> I don't need or want /any /GUI support.  I want the video playback 
> functionality to simply provide me with a flat RGB frame buffer, which 
> I can then display myself (in wxPython).
> Is anyone working on a multi-platform python egg?  If gstreamer 
> happens to be what I am looking for, I might be willing to contribute 
> development of the egg installer if nobody is doing that yet.
> How does gstreamer compare with kamaelia?
> The development seems to be Linux-centric, which is definitely better 
> than Windoze-centric, but I am wondering if anyone is successfully 
> using gstreamer to develop applications that run on Windows too.
> Thanks a bunch,
> - Ken Seehart
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