[gst-devel] buffer/latency time settable property

kash alwaysbcool at excite.com
Fri Nov 30 15:19:31 CET 2007


actually this query is related to  pipelines at server side 

and client side 



  v4l2src --> capsfilter---->h264enc--->avimux ----> fdsink 

   osssrc ---> capsfilter ---->aacenc-->



   fdsrc --->queue ---->avidemux--->aqueue--->aacdec--->ossink

                                --->vqueue --->h264dec---->vsink  

   i am setting latency value in basesink to 33ms assuming frames


   are captured at v4l with 30 fps


  when i start the app,  it plays fine at client side for some time

  , then "overrun message" comes from vqueue and playback stops

   the audio is also not there !  


   in v4l2src plugin i generate timestamps for frames based on fps




  any suggestions , ideas?




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