Stitching multiple videos to a single video with tiles

Peter Maersk-Moller pmaersk at
Fri Sep 27 08:00:55 PDT 2013

Hi Nicolas.

Do you have a link to some text explaining the syntax for placing video
feeds into videomixer?
gst-inspect videomixer does not reveal any relevant parameters for placing
video feeds.

kind regards
Peter MM

On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 4:54 PM, Nicolas Dufresne <
nicolas.dufresne at> wrote:

> **
> Le jeudi 26 septembre 2013 à 23:28 -0700, Baby Octopus a écrit :
> Just wondering if any element can do the job of stitching multiple raw
> videos to a single video with multiple tiles. This process is basically
> called multiviewing. I'm looking for something like this -
> I know the videomixer can handle this (no need for videobox anymore). You
> could have a still image (see imagefree) stream for the text and background
> decoration, each sources would be scaled down to the require sized and
> place on screen using the xpos, ypos and zorder properties of videomixer
> pads. If you want to go further then that, I'd recommend  using
> gst-editing-services. To help you start, here's a gst-launch-1.0 command
> that simply put two videos side-by-side. Take note that default background,
> "checker", is a bit expensive in CPU so consider changing this setting to a
> solid color, white, back and transparent are available.
> gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,width=160,height=120 ! m.sink_0 \
>                videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,width=160,height=120 ! m.sink_1 \
>                  videomixer name=m sink_1::xpos=160 ! video/x-raw,width=320,height=120 ! xvimagesink
> cheers,
> Nicolas
> p.s. there is a lot of room for optimisation in this software mixer, so
> feel free to jump in.
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