AW: Cerbero bootstrap fails on Windows-64bit at cmake

Thornton, Keith keith.thornton at
Wed Apr 23 04:20:41 PDT 2014


I'm trying to build gstreamer 1.2.4 on windows7 64-bit version.

Juha Lemmetti wrote on 14.03.2014

>> Recipe 'cmake' failed at the build step 'install'

>>  I was able to correct this in ~/cerbero/sources/build-tools/cmake-2.8.12/Makefile (which was created as a part of the compilation/bootstrapping process):

<       cmake -P cmake_install.cmake
>       $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -P cmake_install.cmake
<       cmake -P cmake_install.cmake
>       $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -P cmake_install.cmake
<       cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LOCAL_ONLY=1 -P cmake_install.cmake
>       $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LOCAL_ONLY=1 -P cmake_install.cmake

>> And then issuing './cerbero-uninstalled -c config/build-tools.cbc build cmake --no-deps'

I am still experiencing this problem with 1.2.4 is there any reason why these changes should not be adopted for the next release?

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