gstreamer get video playing event

Tim Müller tim at
Tue Nov 3 08:08:01 PST 2015

On Tue, 2015-11-03 at 15:58 +0000, Ozgur Cagdas wrote:


> I am quite new to gstreamer and trying to get some metrics on an
> existing pipeline. 
> The pipeline is set as 'appsrc queue mpegvideoparse avdec_mpeg2video
> deinterlace videobalance xvimagesink'.
> xvimagesink only has a sink pad and I am not sure where and how its
> output is connected to but I am interested in knowing when the actual
> video device/buffer displays the first I frame and then video starts
> rolling.
> The application sets the pipeline state to 'playing' quite early on,
> so, listening on this event does not help.

It sounds like perhaps you should wait for the ASYNC_DONE message on
the pipeline bus. That would be posted once the sink has received its
first buffer.


Tim Müller, Centricular Ltd -

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