Rtsp server. Synchronize audiotestsrc with live video stream.

alexey burov burov_alexey at mail.ru
Tue Mar 7 08:51:01 UTC 2017

Hi, all!

There is a rtsp server. The rtsp server gets stream from a panaramic camera
(two video streams and one audio stream).
Sometimes the camera can send only video streams without an audio stream. In
this case I want to send fake audio stream (silence) to player.
I use following pipeline in rtsp server:

tcpserversrc host="{tcphost}" port={tcpport} ! tsdemux name=d \
d.video_0022 ! queue ! rtph264pay name=pay0 \
d.video_0023 ! queue ! rtph264pay name=pay1 \
audiotestsrc wave=silence is-live=true name=silence ! mulawenc ! rtppcmupay

gst-play-1.0 can play video from the rtsp server.
But ffplay and vlc doesn't play video from the rtsp server and I see an
error (seek failed) in log of the rtsp server:

0:00:01.845274915 14125      0x1362f20 WARN                 basesrc
gstbasesrc.c:1629:gst_base_src_perform_seek:<silence> duplicate event found
0:00:01.845755009 14125      0x1362f20 WARN                 tsdemux
tsdemux.c:891:gst_ts_demux_srcpad_event: seeking failed
0:00:01.845959050 14125      0x1362f20 WARN                 tsdemux
tsdemux.c:891:gst_ts_demux_srcpad_event: seeking failed
0:00:01.846171582 14125      0x1362f20 WARN                 tsdemux
tsdemux.c:891:gst_ts_demux_srcpad_event: seeking failed
0:00:01.846308130 14125      0x1362f20 WARN                 tsdemux
tsdemux.c:891:gst_ts_demux_srcpad_event: seeking failed
0:00:01.846421559 14125      0x1362f20 ERROR             rtspclient
rtsp-client.c:1260:handle_play_request: client 0x13f50c0: seek failed
0:00:01.847500207 14125      0x1362f20 WARN               rtspmedia
rtsp-media.c:4073:gst_rtsp_media_set_state: media 0x7fdd10058300 in error
status while changing to state 1
0:00:01.847612518 14125      0x1362f20 WARN               rtspmedia
rtsp-media.c:4073:gst_rtsp_media_set_state: media 0x7fdd10058300 in error
status while changing to state 1

As I understand I need to synchorinze audio from audiotestsrc with video.
But I can't understand how can I do it. 

How can I synchorinze audiotestsrc with video streams from camera and at
what point does it have to be done??

Any advice will be appreciate. 
Thank you for advance.

View this message in context: http://gstreamer-devel.966125.n4.nabble.com/Rtsp-server-Synchronize-audiotestsrc-with-live-video-stream-tp4682111.html
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