Difficulty getting a good example of the RTSP server running under Windows

Ben Rush ben at ben-rush.net
Mon Apr 15 03:44:53 UTC 2019

I'm trying to find a good starting point upon which to develop an RTSP
streaming server application using GStreamer and RTSP on Windows. I've
installed GStreamer as per these instructions:
however, the samples specific to the RTSP server thus far haven't worked
very well, and I'm wondering if others have any input/experience.

First, this example:
and runs, but the output (at least when viewed over VLC) is just a black
screen. The client connects, and the scrubber shows time moving forward,
but the video is black. Examining the code, it appears it ought to
alternate between black and white, but it does not.

If I adapt that example to use videotestsrc as the video source, setting
the string parameter of gst_rtsp_media_factory_set_launch to "(
videotestsrc is-live=true ! videoconvert ! x264enc tune=zerolatency
speed-preset=veryfast ! rtph264pay name=pay0 pt=96 )", I get the "color
bars" and white noise video, but it stutters for a second or two, and then
pauses for exactly ten seconds and then starts to play normally. I use the
x264 encoder in the Live555 streaming server, and with similar parameters,
I get no stutter in playback. I have to believe this is an encoder setting
and not a failure of the RTSP server, but adjusting different parameters
doesn't seem to impact this stutter. Obviously, in our production
environment, we cannot have this kind of stutter.

Finally, I have been completely unable to get any of the Intel Media SDK to
work, specifically their x264 encoder, and I'm curious if anyone has any
experience there either. I know this isn't a group specific to these
plugins, but perhaps someone has experience with these plugins. I opened
the following issue on their repo:
https://github.com/intel/gstreamer-media-SDK/issues/169, but thus far
haven't heard anything.

I think what I'm looking for is just feedback to these issues so I can
build confidence this will work on Windows. I haven't tried these
particular examples on Linux, but on a couple of occasions, I've had a lot
more luck getting GStreamer samples running as advertised under Ubuntu than
Windows. I need them to run on Windows.

Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks a bunch for your time.
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