OpenGL: Is it possible to store a 'glimagetransformation applied' video to a file?

vk_gst venkateshkuppan26 at
Tue Feb 26 13:43:19 UTC 2019

No, the file is not of size 0 bytes. The file is approximately some 2-3 kBs
in size. 

There are 2 ways I have tried using the --eos-on shutdown:
1. provide -e option with my python script: $./ -e

2. Using rtpbin signal 'on-timeout', I forcefully send a EOS event along the
bus which closes the pipeline. The timeout signal is received when the
sender stops sending the packets.  

I have tried both ways separately in my logic and the case was the same. The
video file of somebytes was created and could not be read by vlc or playbin. 

following is my receiver pipeline which did not work:

receiver(decoupled pipelines): 

pipe1 : 
udpsrc ! application/x-rtp(with other details) ! rtpbin.recv_rtp ! 
rtph264depay ! h264parse ! avdec_h264 ! intervideosink ! udpsrc ! 
rtpbin.recv_rtcp ! rtpbin.send_rtcp ! udpsink 

intervideosrc ! glupload ! glcolorconvert ! gltransformation ! gldownload ! 
video/x-raw ! videoconvert ! x264enc ! mp4mux ! filesink location=abc.mp4 

One thing to note is that the gltransformation is being applied continuously
as and when required based on user input or network conditions. Storing file
without gltransformation works fine. 


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