gstreamer-green screen output

Katerina Voulgary katerina.voulgari at
Sat Aug 29 19:58:53 UTC 2020


I am trying to get video with gstreamer from a Flir Lepton thermal 
camera over SPI and I get a green screen. The captured frame is a numpy 
array of unint8 which I convert to Gst.Buffer and the pipeline I use is:

    appsrc emit-signals=True is-live=True caps=video/x-raw, format=RGB,
    width=640, height=480, framerate=9/1 ! videoconvert ! xvimagesink

For the conversion I do:

    gst_buffer = utils.ndarray_to_gst_buffer(array)

In fact,I am using jackersson's example (from 
with a different source.

The implementation is in Python on an nvidia Xavier. I tested the VoSPI 
with Opencv and I get correct output. I tried slight variations of the 
above pipeline, with ximagesink, autovideosink,less caps or GRAY8 
format. Can someone help me with why I get green screen and how can I 
debug and fix it?

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