gstreamer-green screen output

Anton Pryima zingfrid at
Tue Sep 1 08:50:48 UTC 2020

Hello Katerina.

It looks like your question is too generic. In your case, I'm not sure at
the two sings: buffers form NumPy array and camera's output. Are you sure
that the camera outputs the correct video frames? Are you able to dump it
and see?

Best regards,

On Sat, Aug 29, 2020 at 11:05 PM Katerina Voulgary <
katerina.voulgari at> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to get video with gstreamer from a Flir Lepton thermal camera
> over SPI and I get a green screen. The captured frame is a numpy array of
> unint8 which I convert to Gst.Buffer and the pipeline I use is:
> appsrc emit-signals=True is-live=True caps=video/x-raw, format=RGB,
> width=640, height=480, framerate=9/1 ! videoconvert ! xvimagesink sync=false
> For the conversion I do:
> gst_buffer = utils.ndarray_to_gst_buffer(array)
> In fact,I am using jackersson's example (from
> with
> a different source.
> The implementation is in Python on an nvidia Xavier. I tested the VoSPI
> with Opencv and I get correct output. I tried slight variations of the
> above pipeline, with ximagesink, autovideosink,less caps or GRAY8 format.
> Can someone help me with why I get green screen and how can I debug and fix
> it?
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