WebRTC Streaming not working for broadcasting Gstreamer webrtcbin

Jaskarn Kalsi jaskarn.s.kalsi at globallogic.com
Tue Sep 29 01:31:23 UTC 2020

We have setup gstreamer streaming pipeline that streams live video with

We are able to see the stream successfully. Problem occurs when we try to
add a new webrtcbin to same pipeline with tee. We are able to attach and
send sdp and ice messages to the receiver browser. But there is no stream.

Only difference that I have seen is that the second sdp offer generated has
transreciver set to index 1, and as we keep adding more streams the
transreciver value keeps increasing.

Does receiver side has to do something to handle the changing tranreciver.
Or we are sending incorrect sdp.

GStreamer Pipeline:

src => queue ! video/x-h264,profile=high ! rtph264pay !
application/x-rtp,media=video,encoding-name=H264,payload=123 ! tee ! queue
! webrtcbin bundle-policy=max-bundle stun-server=stun:
stun.l.google.com:19302 We add new webrtcbin to tee by creating queue !
webrtcbin and attaching queue to tee.

Thanks & Regards,
Jaskarn Singh Kalsi
(647) 648 7508
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