Ignore EOS and continuing to ingest

Guru Govindan gurunathan.govindan at gmail.com
Wed Nov 9 23:34:08 UTC 2022

I am working with a few security cameras like ACTi and GeoVision, where the
rtsp stream frequently sends EOS caught by bus watch.
I tried ignoring it and that would lead to the video ingest stopping to
I am having to force the pipeline to restart with setting it to ready and

Is there any other way to continue ingesting without having to restart the
pipeline as I lose footage during the restart.

gst::MessageView::Eos(..) => {
    log::info!("Received EOS from the stream! restarting the stream!");
    let _ = pipeline.set_state(gst::State::Ready);
    let _ = pipeline.set_state(gst::State::Playing);
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