The future of the GStreamer Java bindings?
Davide Perini
perini.davide at
Sat Feb 25 17:06:14 UTC 2023
Hi Nicola,
this is pretty clear but it's not obvious to find a commercial project
that earns enough money from the bindings
that can help with a reasonable amount of money.
This is the reason why we are talking about it :)
Il 25/02/2023 17:32, Nicola Murino ha scritto:
> You could financially support Codelerity. I guess this would help.
> If you use an open source software, it is in your best interest to
> ensure that the project you rely on stays healthy and well maintained.
> Take a look here to better understand what I mean
> Regards
> Nicola
> P.S. I'm not related with Codelerity in any way
> Il 25/02/23 16:48, Davide Perini via gstreamer-devel ha scritto:
>> My knowledge of JNA is not strong and my time for learning JNA/Panama
>> is not enough so I'm not able to help Codelerity in this currently.
>> I know many people that uses GStreamer thanks to the Java bindings
>> for GStreamer,
>> most of this people would never use GStreamer without the bindings,
>> this is why I think that bindings are as important as GStreamer by
>> itself.
>> Davide
>> Il 24/02/2023 19:34, Andreas Tunek via gstreamer-devel ha scritto:
>>> Den fre 24 feb. 2023 kl 08:48 skrev Davide Perini via
>>> gstreamer-devel <gstreamer-devel at>:
>>> It's very sad to see this message from Neil but I completely
>>> understand it.
>>> I think that the Java bindings for GStreamer is an important
>>> part of
>>> GStreamer,
>>> without this binding, GStreamer is not as interesting as it is
>>> currently.
>>> It seems you maybe should support Codelerity if this is something
>>> that is important to you?
>>> Best regards
>>> Andreas
>>> I think that GStreamer's devs should think on this message and
>>> start
>>> putting some
>>> effort in the binding.
>>> It could even be useful to brake slightly with the development of
>>> GStreamer to make room for the bindings.
>>> I hope that GStreamer's devs will chime in with some ideas.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Davide
>>> Il 21/02/2023 19:58, Neil C Smith via gstreamer-devel ha scritto:
>>> > Hi All,
>>> >
>>> > I'd like to start a conversation on the future of the Java
>>> bindings
>>> > for GStreamer, gst1-java-core [1] and related projects. I've
>>> not been
>>> > able to put much time into the bindings recently. And despite
>>> seeing
>>> > an increasing number of commercial users of the library, none of
>>> > Codelerity's commercial work over the last 18 months has been
>>> > GStreamer related. That situation is not sustainable for me!
>>> At least
>>> > while I remain the sole maintainer, and primary developer and
>>> source
>>> > of support. Simply put, I cannot afford to invest for free, at
>>> least
>>> > alone, the level of time that is required to make necessary
>>> updates to
>>> > the library to meet changes in both Java and GStreamer.
>>> >
>>> > I was one of the maintainers of the GStreamer 0.10 bindings
>>> for Java,
>>> > and started the GStreamer 1.x supporting fork in 2015 to meet some
>>> > personal project needs. I made the project openly available,
>>> but never
>>> > intended to stay its sole maintainer. Despite many valued
>>> > contributions from others over the years, no-one with the
>>> necessary
>>> > knowledge has volunteered to help on an ongoing basis with
>>> development
>>> > and maintenance - even with some heavy hinting at times!
>>> >
>>> > Unfortunately, if we cannot find a sustainable way forward,
>>> then we
>>> > just might have to accept that it's time to call it a day on these
>>> > bindings. That would be a shame!
>>> >
>>> > [1]
>>> >
>>> > Thanks for any input you have!
>>> >
>>> > With best wishes,
>>> >
>>> > Neil
>>> >
>>> >
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