MPIO HD300 Player has wrong match conditions

Gabriel C nix.or.die at
Thu Dec 20 16:17:04 PST 2007

Hi all ,

after updating hal-info to 20071212 on 3 of my boxes by USB disks are shown as 'players'.

this is because MPIO HD300 Player is using :


<match key="@storage.originating_device:usb.vendor_id" int="0x05e3">
  <match key="@storage.originating_device:usb.product_id" int="0x0702">


That does not match anything from the player but the USB Adapter vendor which is this :

ID 05e3:0702 Genesys Logic, Inc. USB 2.0 IDE Adapter

It is really annoying while gnome and kde3/4 gets confused on how to handle the disks.

That need be fixed in some way , please.



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