LED devices

Johannes Berg johannes at sipsolutions.net
Fri Jun 1 08:06:04 PDT 2007

On Fri, 2007-06-01 at 15:59 +0100, Richard Purdie wrote:

> I've wondered about this before. You have to think what
> a /sys/class/led_trigger/ would entry look like - all you'd get is a
> name and I guess you could add the current brightness of the trigger. 

You could also have symlinks to all LEDs that are triggered by it.

> Its also complicated by the fact that not all triggers are going to
> appear for each LED in future.

Hm? How's this going to be filtered?

> If people can see a way the class would be useful, I'm open to
> suggestions but even with Johannes use case, a triggers class doesn't
> actually help as far as I can see.

Yeah, it'd only help if the default trigger could be more flexible
matching. I don't want to loose the flexibility of having LED triggers
and LEDs in wireless, of course I could just have some internal hook to
trigger the LEDs instead of going through the LED subsystem, but then
people couldn't easily use some laptop-built-in LEDs for wireless etc.

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