[HarfBuzz] [PATCH] Move two-way glib script conversion functions to be private

Behdad Esfahbod behdad at behdad.org
Thu Apr 21 11:52:07 PDT 2011

On 04/21/11 10:00, Tom Hacohen wrote:
> Dear all,
>>From the patch's commit log:
> I guess there are uses for exposing those, though if really wanted, we

The functions are absolutely needed for any serious user of harfbuzz that uses
glib for its unicode data.

> In the project I'm working on for example, we are only using the glib
> unicode functions in the meanwhile and it's just annoying to add special
> checks to see if glib is present in the system and if so add it's
> cflags. With this patch I can just check for availability of hb-glib.h
> and get done with it."

Ok, so you don't really need the glib unicode funcs.  You any some, any,
unicode funcs.

> Btw, what about adding a function that just returns the preferred
> unicode functions no matter what's installed?

Yes, I've been thinking about that.  I'll make it happen today.


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