[LDTP-Dev] How to appmap the firefox web browser

Patrick Gu Patrick.Gu at Sun.COM
Thu Nov 10 18:13:32 PST 2005

Try #appmap mozilla
On Solaris, firefox1.5
at-poke see firefox as 'mozilla'
After got mozilla.map file(firefox's map) and I found it doesn't include 
sub-menu(only have top menu, File...)
Firefox's acessibility support seems worse than mozilla 1.7.

Prashanth Mohan wrote:

>On Thu, 2005-11-10 at 10:53 -0400, Mauricio Lin wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>How ca I generate a map file for firefox web browser?
>>I have tried but as:
>>#appmap firefox
>>Application firefox seems to be not running
>>#appmap firefox-bin
>>Application firefox-bin seems to be not running
>>But no success.
>>Any idea?
>I am able to see Gecko as running.... running appmap Gecko gave me this
>output. seems really odd.
>prash at einstein:~$ cat Gecko.map
>frmFAQ-LDTP-MozillaFirefox={class=frame,parent=Gecko,child_index=0,label=FAQ - LDTP - Mozilla Firefox}
>>Mauricio Lin.
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