About system-selection-preference

Alexey Orishko alexey.orishko at gmail.com
Fri Mar 12 10:54:56 UTC 2021

On Fri, Mar 12, 2021 at 11:40 AM Sai Chaitanya <msaichaitanya at gmail.com>

> But the acquisition order still shows all RATs and also, when I scan with *qmicli
> -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --nas-network-scan, *I see gsm, umts cells also along
> with lte. I am wondering if the preference setting is limited to just
> preferring lte over other RATs, instead of skipping all of the 2G/3G
> services running in the modem, because of which, maybe there is not much
> improvement in the power consumption. In other words, I am looking for an
> impact similar to AT+QCFG with qmicli. Not sure if that is possible at
> the moment.
Not sure if it could ever be possible in libqmi, but some modem/module
vendors have proprietary AT commands, which limit available RATs. You could
also limit available bands to reduce scan time and reduce a power at
initial search. Depending on modem implementation, the subsequent searches
after power up use information about previously used network, thus shorten
time/save power.
It is not a public information and you need to get AT command manual from
your modem/module vendor.
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