[LGM] http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/lgm/

Camille Bissuel cbissuel at yagraph.org
Fri Apr 26 01:06:37 PDT 2013

Hi all,

Is this infrastructure ok for you ? Can we start moving content ?
We really need your feedback, or at least an approval to go further ;)


2013/4/25 ale rimoldi <a.l.e at ideale.ch>

> hi
> sorry, my email didn't not get through in the way it was displayed on
> screen...
> i hope that this time it's better... and i'm sorry for those who have
> read my previous message without a proper html reader...
> === 8< ===
> dear LGMers,
> here is a report on the LGM communication infrastructure, with some
> proposals for the further steps.
> **create mailing list**
> the place for the general discussions on the LGM. each member of the
> organization team should be subscribed. all the LGM projects should have
> at least one member represeting it on this list.
> it's a list with a rather broad list of people and low traffic.
> **lgm mailing list**
> the place for the discussion among the LGM organization team. each
> member of the team should be subscribed. other people can subscribe and
> follow the discussion and give occasionnal contributions (if your
> contributions become regular, you should probably get into the team)
> please don't cross post to the lgm and create lists.
> **lgm.titanpad.com**
> instead of a wiki we propose to use a titanpad (or any other sort of
> pad:
> -   it enables a real time collaborative work
> -   no spam
> -   no infrastructure for manage (if we use an existing platform)
> -   you can see the history
> -   we have a \*pad at
>     [http://lgm.titanpad.com](http://lgm.titanpad.com/) (if somebody
>     proposed a better platform it's ok for us)
> -   each member of the (local + global)= organization team has an
>     account for it and can add pads. they can choose if the pad should
>     be public (and promoted in public), only on invitation or "private"
>     to the team.
> -   content that is "finished" is copied into the /lgm wordpress as
>     pages for archiving. the history is kept as a pad.
> **libregraphicsmeeting.org/lgm/**
> a site with static information on the LGM. currently the following pages
> have already been created:
> -   a front page: a general statement (to be improved) and a picture
>     (missing)
> -   about: a description of the LGM
> -   organization team: who is organizing and what he/she is doing; it's
>     ok for everybody to be mentioned with first and last name? would
>     anybody against putting a picture of each person?
> -   the past lgm: a list (done) with a description and picture of each
>     past LGM (to be done)
> -   contact
> -   a link to the create mailing list and the irc channel (with web
>     client?)
> -   in the future we can add other addresses (like the LGM list... but
>     i'm not sure that it's best entry point maybe an email address that
>     gets forwarded to the LGM list?)
> -   Public documentation : General information, accessible to anyone,
>     about how the LGM is organized. Most of the old wiki information
>     should go here. We can imagine that we will need the sections "Media
>     and Press" or "Sponsors", one for the people that want to organize
>     an LGM or help with the organization. (to be created)
> -   Team: a section with internal pages that are only visible for people
>     logged in (internal documents like samples of emails sent to
>     sponsors, ...)
> -   News:  blog entries; most of the news should probably go to the
>     current /201x site, we will see if a /lgm/news section is needed for
>     specific news like a "call for next year venue".
> -   Documents uploaded to this Wordpress (wordpress "medias") will be
>     available to team members through this site, so it's also a way to
>     share documents (logos, press communication, etc.).
> each member of the organization team should have an editor account and
> be able to edit/create pages.
> please ask for an account if you need it now! otherwise you will
> automatically get one as soon as the platform is stable.
> *notes*:
> -   mod\_rewrite does not yet work for /lgm but is planned
> -   the site is run with wordpress
> -   for now, the theme is just the default one with very small tweaks.
> -   the "team documentation" section is visible to connected peoples
>     only
> *questions*:
> -   which pages from the old create wiki should be imported?
> -   we should find a menu structure to integrate the "checklist" (or
>     form) for the venues candidates (menu structure)?
> **libregraphicsmeeting.org/201x/**
> a site site with current information about the current LGM.
> it's mostly filled by the local organization team.
> *notes*:
> -   the site is run with wordpress
> -   each site is archived as static html as soon as no further edit is
>     needed (when the new /201x becomes the default one?)
> **github.com/aoloe/lgm-wp/**
> a github repository with the code specific to the LGM website (theme,
> templates, config files, ...)
> it also has an issues tracker for logging what is being done on the
> platform and what the wishes are.
> you can add bug reports and wishes in there!
> **social media**
> we have:
> -   g+ (ale)
> -   identi.ca (ale)
> -   twitter
> -   facebook
> -   flickr
> and still have to check who has the keys for what...
> of course, this mail has been written on titanpad and if the proposition
> are accepted, the information above will be added to the /lgm wordpress!
> waiting for your comments!
> ciao
> a.l.e
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> Libre-graphics-meeting at lists.freedesktop.org
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