[LGM] url for the call for participation

ale rimoldi a.l.e at ideale.ch
Thu Nov 28 23:05:11 PST 2013

> On Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 7:09 PM, ale rimoldi <a.l.e at ideale.ch> wrote:
>> hi
>> Will you repair the damage you have done? Do you test sometimes things you
>> do?
>> please open a ticket with a description of what does not work.
> I guess the point Sirko was trying to make (in his aggressive manner)
> is that the CFP  page with submission form at both
> http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2014/submit and
> http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2014/cfp returns 404.
> Which is actually a bummer. I could probably open a ticket, but I'm
> used to deleting emails I think I don't need anymore, which is why I
> can't recall it, and the website doesn't seem to mention ticket system
> URL (and maybe rightfully so).

the urls that are currently active are the ones the editors have defined.

the cfp/ is a url i have proposed.
it seems that the editors prefer call-for-participation-2/ 

who am i to disagree with their choices?

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