[LGM] Is LGM still on track?

Femke Snelting snelting at collectifs.net
Mon Jan 6 12:03:19 PST 2014

Hey Alexandre,

> However a) I'm quite reluctant to work on that until I hear from the
> local team that things have been set in motion, and b) I'm missing
> some information to take action. For instance, I couldn't find any
> details on results of the user survey from April 2013. Is there either
> raw or processed data to look at (preferably both)?

Attached the feedback on LGM 2013 -- both processed and more or less raw. I think I sent it to CREATE in May?


> I'm also unsure if participating teams provided any actionable
> information about results of attending LGM (I only know about Synfig,
> and that's just because I met Konstantin right after the event).
> P.S. Intentionally not crossposting to create@ as I think it's still
> our internal business.
> Alexandre
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