[LGM] Submission phase closed

Tobias Ellinghaus houz at gmx.de
Sat Jan 18 13:16:58 PST 2014

Am Freitag, 17. Januar 2014, 14:52:35 schrieb S.Kemter:
> Hi,



> Well there is another point, with all the submissions there is known a sum
> which comes from the submitters what they think they might need for there
> travel. And this  sum is 23.297$

Wow. That is a lot of money. Do we have that? Has LGM put that much money 
aside in the last years? Or is there a major sponsor in sight who can/is 
willing to give us so much? Louis? Nathan? You are in the looking-for-a-
sponsor department, can you give some insight? Sirko already stated what he 
collected and that is way less and needed for the local organization.


> br gnokii

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