[LGM] should LGM or its site have something to say about Charlie Hebdo?

Michael Schumacher schumaml at gmx.de
Wed Jan 14 11:54:36 PST 2015

On 14.01.2015 03:48, Gregory Pittman wrote:

> Hello list,
> This issue came up among those involved in the communication team for LGM.
> In short, should we have something on the site which says either "Je
> suis Charlie" or maybe "Nous sommes Charlie"?

If something is done, I'd prefer a bit more original work. And something
that rather expresses the unity of humanity than a separation in nous et

Keep in mind that our software is Free to be used for Good and Bad, in
Peace and War, to start conflicts and end them, and by either side in
any conflict.

> We have traditionally been apolitical, yet maybe there is something
> special about this incident involving free speech in the graphics and
> publishing world.

You should expect LGM to be judged by the standards you set on the
website - for example when accepting or rejecting talks based on their
content. I'm not saying that you can't have double standards or that
these would be - using the "Je suis Charlie" image is hardly the same as
publishing one of their caricatures, either - but there should be a
prepared an coherent reaction when people try to blame LGM for them.

Personal opinion: it would be an important sign, and I hope that our
efforts improve this world, as little effect as this might be.

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