[LGM] should LGM or its site have something to say about Charlie Hebdo?

Camille Bissuel camille at nylnook.com
Thu Jan 15 00:24:30 PST 2015

Hello all,

As a french and drawer, you won't be surprised if I say I'd like to see LGM
express a support...
Freedom of software would be rather meaningless without freedom of
speech... We want both free tools and free artists.

Nevertheless, few sentences like the one the Krita team does
<https://krita.org/item/charlie-hebdo/>, would be enough for me. No need to
do something complicated or very demonstrative.


2015-01-14 20:54 GMT+01:00 Michael Schumacher <schumaml at gmx.de>:

> On 14.01.2015 03:48, Gregory Pittman wrote:
> > Hello list,
> >
> > This issue came up among those involved in the communication team for
> LGM.
> >
> > In short, should we have something on the site which says either "Je
> > suis Charlie" or maybe "Nous sommes Charlie"?
> If something is done, I'd prefer a bit more original work. And something
> that rather expresses the unity of humanity than a separation in nous et
> elles/ils.
> Keep in mind that our software is Free to be used for Good and Bad, in
> Peace and War, to start conflicts and end them, and by either side in
> any conflict.
> > We have traditionally been apolitical, yet maybe there is something
> > special about this incident involving free speech in the graphics and
> > publishing world.
> You should expect LGM to be judged by the standards you set on the
> website - for example when accepting or rejecting talks based on their
> content. I'm not saying that you can't have double standards or that
> these would be - using the "Je suis Charlie" image is hardly the same as
> publishing one of their caricatures, either - but there should be a
> prepared an coherent reaction when people try to blame LGM for them.
> Personal opinion: it would be an important sign, and I hope that our
> efforts improve this world, as little effect as this might be.
> --
> Regards,
> Michael
> GPG: 96A8 B38A 728A 577D 724D 60E5 F855 53EC B36D 4CDD
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