[LGM] Video Recording

Jehan jehan at girinstud.io
Thu Dec 14 17:38:15 UTC 2017


On 2017-12-14 17:21, ale rimoldi wrote:
> hi
>> We do need to figure out who is responsible for this. Probably Ale,
>> Ale, Dave, or Soenke, but I don't know which.
> yes, we need somebody to be in charge of the captions.
> personally, i'm informed about the process but i currently don't have
> the oversight of everything has been happening.
> i think that we need somebody (could be me, but it does not have to.
> really!) who summarizes the state and the options for the captions.

I don't know of other options. Probably the local team should be the one 
to research video options since C3VOC is more of the "safe and well 
known yet not local" option.

As for the state, I think it is pretty well summarized by my email (and 
the few ensuing emails in the thread): 

Summary of discussions with C3VOC in 3 points:

1/ They are interested.

2/ LGM would need to pay for a 70kg trunk from Germany to Spain + at 
least 1 person from Germany to Spain (maybe 2 if schedule is long, but 
according to the other email, it shouldn't) and the accomodation of 
this/these person(s).

3/ They expect local help. I'm happy to help (though I don't want to be 
the only one for the whole 4 days).


> the same should be done for the finances for 2018.
> i see three way of doing that:
> - a pad
> - a wordpress page on the 2018 site
> - a text file (md, txt) in the github repository (we could create a new
>   directory for such documents.
> any volunteers for one of both tasks?
> ciao
> a.l.e
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