[LGM] LGM in Paris?
Dave Crossland
dave at lab6.com
Thu May 4 13:15:12 UTC 2017
Sounds like a great venue!!
On May 4, 2017 9:10 AM, "Frank Trampe" <frank.trampe at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, Jehan.
> Your speed and efficiency in putting this together caught me off-guard!
> Saarbrucken and Milan are both firmly back onboard, so we're probably
> looking at 2020 for Paris. The most important thing is to start building
> out a network of partners, sponsors, and participants and getting them all
> excited about the possibilities. Paris is a big town, this sounds like a
> great venue, and you have a good existing network, so, with the runway that
> we have to put this together, we ought to be able to make it our biggest
> event ever.
> Could we reserve the venue this far out? If so, I propose that we develop
> a formal proposal with the aim of discussing it and accepting it in the
> next few months.
> On Thu, May 4, 2017 at 7:18 AM, Jehan Pagès <jehan.marmottard at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi all!
>> On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 4:11 PM, Jehan Pagès <jehan.marmottard at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > Hi!
>> >
>> > On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 8:58 PM, ginger coons <ginger at adaptstudio.ca>
>> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 12:58 PM, Jehan Pagès <
>> jehan.marmottard at gmail.com>
>> >> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> Hi,
>> >>>
>> >>> On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 12:08 AM, Frank Trampe <
>> frank.trampe at gmail.com>
>> >>> wrote:
>> >>> > Counting turnout is difficult, since people come and go from talk to
>> >>> > talk. I
>> >>> > would be curious to know how many e-mail addresses we've collected
>> each
>> >>> > year, but I have no idea what happens to those. Anybody?
>> >>>
>> >>> Can we at least know the seat numbers of the conference rooms of
>> >>> Madrid and Leipzig's LGM? Since the rooms were mostly filled (and even
>> >>> a little more at times, I think), that would give a good idea of the
>> >>> attendance size.
>> >>> Is there anyone from the organization at that time who would have this
>> >>> information?
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> 2013 is the best year as far as stats go, but some are also available
>> for
>> >> 2010 (Brussels) here:
>> >> http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/lgm/about/visitor-data/
>> >>
>> >> Here's the information on Madrid, per the 2013 report
>> >> (http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2013/report/index.html):
>> >>
>> >> 4 days, 89 scheduled talks, 10 workshops, 3 performances, 3 lectures,
>> 15
>> >> lightning talks
>> >> Hosted by Medialab Prado, Madrid (Spain)
>> >> Full simultaneous translation in English and Spanish
>> >> Registered on-line: 201
>> >> Total participants: 450
>> >> Programs distributed: 650
>> >> Registered at Welcome Desk: 155
>> >>
>> >> Because local orgs do the data collection, it varies by year, as do any
>> >> reports that come out.
>> >>
>> >> -g
>> >
>> > Thanks for all the detailed info.
>> > I have started discussing with a very cool place in Paris which
>> > regularly do FLOSS events and my contact person is very interested.
>> > But they are checking up with their boss first. Let's see how it goes.
>> Ok so I got a second message today. It seems it would be ok to do it
>> in this place. Yet they ask me to ask them again in October because
>> they don't have any visibility at this point about the schedule of the
>> conference room they would lend us.
>> So it is called "Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie" and is a
>> state-funded place.
>> Website: http://www.cite-sciences.fr/
>> From Wikipedia:
>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cit%C3%A9_des_Sciences_et_de_l%27Industrie
>> « The Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie is the biggest science
>> museum in Europe. Located in Parc de la Villette in Paris, France, it
>> is one of the three dozen Cultural Centers of Science, Technology and
>> Industry (CCSTI), promoting science and science culture. »
>> So it is not specifically a graphics or arts place, but I chose it on
>> purpose and know it well because it regularly hosts FLOSS events
>> (Monthly "Samedi du Libre", Ubuntu Party every few months, etc.) and
>> they love Free Software. In particular, it has a very cool place
>> called "Carrefour Numérique²" with an awesome hackerspace and all the
>> machines you'd need in such a place, and a few other rooms where LGM
>> hacking meetings or workshop can be held without issue. The Blender
>> User Group of Paris meets there every month as well, and they use an
>> awesome room with powerful computers (so workshops can be done without
>> asking people to bring their own laptops and install stuff beforehand,
>> which is a good time saver).
>> Carrefour Numérique²:
>> http://www.cite-sciences.fr/fr/au-programme/lieux-ressources
>> /carrefour-numerique2/
>> We will also have room to organize an exhibition as we did in London
>> (something we should do every year IMO!).
>> It also has a huge audience whether on weekdays and weekend, so we
>> should be able to attract quite a few random people easily.
>> From what I understood the room they could lend us is the
>> "Auditorium", which has 361 seats. Seeing past audience of LGM (which
>> culminated at 450 for the whole LGM in Madrid), that should be enough,
>> though I do hope we will fill it entirely. :-)
>> http://www.universcience.fr/fr/professionnels/location-despa
>> ces/nos-espaces/auditorium/
>> Why I chose this over universities (where a LGM could be easily hosted
>> as well but I decided to not even ask) is because of our discussions
>> where we thought that this kind of places dedicated to host events may
>> actually be a much better fit. Also this is really an awesome place
>> which I know quite well, with parks around (we could picnic if the
>> weather is nice) and a lot of cool stuff to see if interested.
>> Also I have myself organized an event there many years ago.
>> Now I will still want to wait until October to make sure everything is
>> OK. Moreover I believe that they will lend us the space
>> free-of-charge, but since we request a bigger room (they also have
>> smaller conference rooms inside Carrefour Numérique² but we need
>> more), I will need to make sure of all the details.
>> So I will contact you within a few months when they tell me more.
>> Yet things look bright, and I wanted to update you with the advancement.
>> Jehan
>> --
>> ZeMarmot open animation film
>> http://film.zemarmot.net
>> Patreon: https://patreon.com/zemarmot
>> Tipeee: https://www.tipeee.com/zemarmot
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