[Libreoffice-qa] Bub Submission Assistant - LibreOffice Link Integration

Christoph Noack christoph at dogmatux.com
Thu Sep 15 12:44:46 PDT 2011

Hi all!

Preamble: a few days ago, I've started to participate in this activity
and missed the chance so far to say thank you to those, who make this
possible ...

Now my real question: I've noticed the question by Rainer to get a
stable URL that can be linked from within LibreOffice if the user clicks
on ... aehm ... what?

The discussion I'm aware about happened some time ago in bug 35855, here
is my proposal of having a generic link (covering more than "issues")
and Rainer's positive feedback:
      * https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=35855#c6
      * https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=35855#c7

Currently I don't know what the current plan is, but I've added the
neutral "Provide Feedback..." [1] instead of "Report a Problem..." in
the proposal (still in work):

This link might lead to a separate page first that provides different
options to the user. There are several pros and cons to do that ... one
of the major advantages is, that we can always invite people to
participate in a survey (e.g. for Design, Marketing, other reasons).
Even if we don't run a survey, people can report bugs or ask for
support. Providing these variety of support options was my rationale to
join ;-)

So could you please comment on the current status? Would it be okay to
go with that from the beginning and - most probably - add the feedback
options in a later milestone?


[1] At the moment, please forget about the exact naming, since this can
be changed easily (e.g. "Send Feedback...").

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