[Libreoffice-qa] Squashtest
gautier.sophie at gmail.com
Wed Dec 4 06:00:35 PST 2013
Hi Thomas,
Le 04/12/2013 14:17, Thomas Hackert a écrit :
> Hello Sophie, *,
> On Dienstag, 3. Dezember 2013 17:08 Sophie wrote:
>> As I'm really not happy that Moztrap doesn't handle localization,
> me neither, but ...
>> I'm still searching for a replacement in the future. I've been
>> pointed to Squash, the site is here:
>> http://www.squashtest.org/index.php/en/squash-tm-25664/squash-tm-overview
>> where at least the UI is fully localizable.
> If I understood their page right, you do not only need the Squash-
> TM, but also the Squash-SC, Squash-Data and Squash-TA as well to
> localise your tests, or am I wrong?
I'm not sure you need all the suite. But I don't see a mechanism where
if the source language of the test is updated, the translated test is
informed. There is a doc about UI here:
>> It handles manual test
>> and even automated tests and run on different versions and
>> projects.
> Well, maybe on their system ... ;)
>> License is LGPLv3 after a version is one year old and
>> it's written in Java. I'll approach the company developing it to
>> see how it could handles test localization and will keep you
>> informed. You can run an online demo if you wish and don't
>> hesitate to give me your feedback. Cheers
> I made the mistake to download their Squash-TM package
> (http://www.squashtest.org/index.php/en/downloads/finish/17-version-stable/83-squash-tm-1-7-5-windows-mac-linux-tar-gz), unpacked it and
> started bin/startup.sh (as described on
> https://sites.google.com/a/henix.fr/wiki-squash-tm/installation-and-exploitation-guide/3---run-and-stop-squash-tm). But after nearly
> three minutes I was not able to do anything, as my /tmp directory
> was up to 100% ... :( And a restart of my system leads to an
> nonfunctional system (or better say: A system with no X, though KDM
> was running) ... :( If you really want to install it on one of the
> TDF servers, please test it first at your own system (one, that has
> more power / is newer than mine etc. ... ;) ). I only found the
> solution to reinstall my Debian, as all tips I found online did not
> help here ... :(
Ho, I'm really sorry you had to reinstall your system, this is really
not a good point for this software :( but thank you very much for your
tests and your feedback. I'll keep you informed when I'll meet the
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