December 2013 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Dec 1 08:56:20 PST 2013
Ending: Tue Dec 31 15:55:29 PST 2013
Messages: 347
- [Libreoffice-qa] Annual report on activities
- [Libreoffice-qa] ownCloud for Bugzilla - IMHO a no go
Thorsten Behrens
- [Libreoffice-qa] Tinderbox builds
Thorsten Behrens
- [Libreoffice-qa] Tinderboxes: Holiday Wishlist
Thorsten Behrens
- [Libreoffice-qa] odb ODF standard conformance [was: minutes of ESC call ...]
Thorsten Behrens
- [Libreoffice-qa] [GSOC] about:config utility a.k.a Expert Config - Weekly Report #13
Stephan Bergmann
- [Libreoffice-qa] Issue: FileSave: LibreOffice crashing while saving the .DOCX files
Dushyant Bhalgami
- [Libreoffice-qa] 27 to go before we're under 900!
Zeki Bildirici
- [Libreoffice-qa] Git error with bibisect40
Ken Biondi
- [Libreoffice-qa] Git error with bibisect40
Ken Biondi
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
Joren DC
- [Libreoffice-qa] [Math] Clicking in Formular does not let the cursor change its position in the main part
Joren DC
- [Libreoffice-qa] Welcome screen help button redirects to wrong page
Joren DC
- [Libreoffice-qa] Base Show stopper in LibreOffice 4.2 Beta2
Joren DC
- [Libreoffice-qa] [ANN] LIbreOffice 4.2.0 RC1 available
M Henri Day
- [Libreoffice-qa] ownCloud for Bugzilla - IMHO a no go
Florian Effenberger
- [Libreoffice-qa] ownCloud for Bugzilla - IMHO a no go
Florian Effenberger
- [Libreoffice-qa] ownCloud for Bugzilla - IMHO a no go
Florian Effenberger
- [Libreoffice-qa] ownCloud for Bugzilla - IMHO a no go
Florian Effenberger
- [Libreoffice-qa] ftp: URLs
Terrence Enger
- [Libreoffice-qa] ftp: URLs
Terrence Enger
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bibisect - Separate Profile
Terrence Enger
- [Libreoffice-qa] Git error with bibisect40
Terrence Enger
- [Libreoffice-qa] Git error with bibisect40
Terrence Enger
- [Libreoffice-qa] 24 to go under 800
Terrence Enger
- [Libreoffice-qa] LibreOffice Math improvements
Jean-Baptiste Faure
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
V Stuart Foote
- [Libreoffice-qa] Tinderbox builds
V Stuart Foote
- [Libreoffice-qa] Tinderbox builds
V Stuart Foote
- [Libreoffice-qa] old Windows x86 libreoffice master builds
V Stuart Foote
- [Libreoffice-qa] minutes of ESC call ...
V Stuart Foote
- [Libreoffice-qa] old Windows x86 libreoffice master builds
V Stuart Foote
- [Libreoffice-qa] [ANN] LibreOffice 4.2.0 RC1 test builds available
V Stuart Foote
- [Libreoffice-qa] [ANN] LibreOffice 4.2.0 RC1 test builds available
V Stuart Foote
- [Libreoffice-qa] Base Show stopper in LibreOffice 4.2 Beta2
Sophie Gautier
- [Libreoffice-qa] The Wiki-page "ReleaseNotes_4.2" requires replacement one image
Sophie Gautier
- [Libreoffice-qa] Major Release Checklist
Sophie Gautier
- [Libreoffice-qa] minutes of ESC call ...
Noel Grandin
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bug-Reporting: Needinfo sets "confimed" to 1
Robert Großkopf
- [Libreoffice-qa] LO's spellchecker shows grammar errors/hints in English, though UI is in German?
Robert Großkopf
- [Libreoffice-qa] [Math] Clicking in Formular does not let the cursor change its position in the main part
Robert Großkopf
- [Libreoffice-qa] LO's spellchecker shows grammar errors/hints in English, though UI is in German?
Robert Großkopf
- [Libreoffice-qa] [Math] Clicking in Formular does not let the cursor change its position in the main part
Robert Großkopf
- [Libreoffice-qa] Base Show stopper in LibreOffice 4.2 Beta2
Robert Großkopf
- [Libreoffice-qa] Firebird - creating auto-increment fails via Tools - SQL
Robert Großkopf
- [Libreoffice-qa] Base: Greyed-out icons in document preview on Tables
Robert Großkopf
- [Libreoffice-qa] Base: Greyed-out icons in document preview on Tables
Robert Großkopf
- [Libreoffice-qa] Base: Greyed-out icons in document preview on Tables
Robert Großkopf
- [Libreoffice-qa] Impress slows system down, if you are using several effects and run the presentation?
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] Missing symbols in squares in "Bullets and Numbering" dialog on "Image" tab
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] Missing symbols in squares in "Bullets and Numbering" dialog on "Image" tab
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] Missing symbols in squares in "Bullets and Numbering" dialog on "Image" tab
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] TXT and PDF files in "Format – Slide Design..." with installed template pack
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] Missing symbols in squares in "Bullets and Numbering" dialog on "Image" tab
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] qtz (key-ID) builds with two entries "Language Settings" in "Tools - Options" dialog
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] qtz (key-ID) builds with two entries "Language Settings" in "Tools - Options" dialog
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] qtz (key-ID) builds with two entries "Language Settings" in "Tools - Options" dialog
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] Empty Options window for "Spelling and Grammar"
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] Empty Options window for "Spelling and Grammar"
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] Empty Options window for "Spelling and Grammar"
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] Squashtest
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] Squashtest
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] Impress crashes, when you use the wizard and select the effect "
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] Impress crashes, when you use the wizard and select the effect "
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] Impress crashes, when you use the wizard and select the effect "
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] Updater improvements
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] Updater improvements
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] "Character Line Break" set to "0" in "Tools - Options - Language Settings - Writing Aids"?
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] "Character Line Break" set to "0" in "Tools - Options - Language Settings - Writing Aids"?
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] LO's spellchecker shows grammar errors/hints in English, though UI is in German?
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] Grammar check does not work, when there is no spellcheck in a document
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] Grammar check does not work, when there is no spellcheck in a document
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] LO's spellchecker shows grammar errors/hints in English, though UI is in German?
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] "Echap" in MozTrap's test case #40?
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] [Math] Clicking in Formular does not let the cursor change its position in the main part
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] LO's spellchecker shows grammar errors/hints in English, though UI is in German?
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] "Echap" in MozTrap's test case #40?
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] [Math] Clicking in Formular does not let the cursor change its position in the main part
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] LO's spellchecker shows grammar errors/hints in English, though UI is in German?
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] [Math] Clicking in Formular does not let the cursor change its position in the main part
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] LO's spellchecker shows grammar errors/hints in English, though UI is in German?
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] LO's spellchecker shows grammar errors/hints in English, though UI is in German?
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] [Math] Clicking in Formular does not let the cursor change its position in the main part
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] [Math] Clicking in Formular does not let the cursor change its position in the main part
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] LO's spellchecker shows grammar errors/hints in English, though UI is in German?
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] "Em dash:" without desciption at grammar check
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] LibreOffice main program missing in Debian's KDE menu
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] Base: Greyed-out icons in document preview on Tables
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] Base: Greyed-out icons in document preview on Tables
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] Feedback page up
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] Feedback page up
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] [MozTrap] CSRF error after login (error 403)
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] [MozTrap] CSRF error after login (error 403)
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] [MozTrap] CSRF error after login (error 403)
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] [MozTrap] CSRF error after login (error 403)
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] [MozTrap] CSRF error after login (error 403)
Thomas Hackert
- [Libreoffice-qa] [Math] Clicking in Formular does not let the cursor change its position in the main part
Regina Henschel
- [Libreoffice-qa] [libo-marketing-priv] [ANN] LibreOffice 4.2.0 beta2 test builds available
Jan Holesovsky
- [Libreoffice-qa] Windows symbols server
Jan Holesovsky
- [Libreoffice-qa] Moztrap: relation between version/runs/cases
Yifan Jiang
- [Libreoffice-qa] Moztrap: relation between version/runs/cases
Yifan Jiang
- [Libreoffice-qa] [MozTrap] CSRF error after login (error 403)
Yifan Jiang
- [Libreoffice-qa] [MozTrap] CSRF error after login (error 403)
Yifan Jiang
- [Libreoffice-qa] [MozTrap] CSRF error after login (error 403)
Yifan Jiang
- [Libreoffice-qa] Signing of Language-packs for Mac OS X?
Niklas Johansson
- [Libreoffice-qa] old Windows x86 libreoffice master builds
Roopesh Kohad
- [Libreoffice-qa] old Windows x86 libreoffice master builds
Roopesh Kohad
- [Libreoffice-qa] old Windows x86 libreoffice master builds
Roopesh Kohad
- [Libreoffice-qa] old Windows x86 libreoffice master builds
Roopesh Kohad
- [Libreoffice-qa] Grammar check does not work, when there is no spellcheck in a document
Manfred J. Krause
- [Libreoffice-qa] 4.2 beta 2: Calc freezes when typing Chinese characters - test needed
Suo Kunlong
- [Libreoffice-qa] Grammar check does not work, when there is no spellcheck in a document
Harald Köster
- [Libreoffice-qa] LO 4.2 RC1 (aka
Harald Köster
- [Libreoffice-qa] LibreOffice Math improvements
Edmund Laugasson
- [Libreoffice-qa] Base Show stopper in LibreOffice 4.2 Beta2
Dan Lewis
- [Libreoffice-qa] [ANN] LibreOffice 4.2.0 beta2 test builds available
Christian Lohmaier
- [Libreoffice-qa] [ANN] LIbreOffice 4.2.0 Beta2 available
Christian Lohmaier
- [Libreoffice-qa] [libo-marketing-priv] [ANN] LibreOffice 4.2.0 beta2 test builds available
Christian Lohmaier
- [Libreoffice-qa] [ANN] LibreOffice 4.1.4 RC2 test builds available
Christian Lohmaier
- [Libreoffice-qa] [ANN] LibreOffice 4.1.4 RC2 available
Christian Lohmaier
- [Libreoffice-qa] [ANN] LibreOffice 4.2.0 RC1 test builds available
Christian Lohmaier
- [Libreoffice-qa] [ANN] LibreOffice 4.2.0 RC1 test builds available
Christian Lohmaier
- [Libreoffice-qa] [ANN] LIbreOffice 4.2.0 RC1 available
Christian Lohmaier
- [Libreoffice-qa] [libreoffice-projects] [ANN] LIbreOffice 4.2.0 RC1 available
Christian Lohmaier
- [Libreoffice-qa] Major Release Checklist
Christian Lohmaier
- [Libreoffice-qa] Major Release Checklist
Christian Lohmaier
- [Libreoffice-qa] Alpha of android remote for impress available for feedback
Christian Lohmaier
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
Mat M
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
Mat M
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bibisect - Separate Profile
Joel Madero
- [Libreoffice-qa] Major Release Checklist
Joel Madero
- [Libreoffice-qa] Major Release Checklist
Joel Madero
- [Libreoffice-qa] FDO Maintenance
Joel Madero
- [Libreoffice-qa] [libreoffice-users] Manual tests for 4.2.0 RC1
Al Maloney
- [Libreoffice-qa] odb ODF standard conformance [was: minutes of ESC call ...]
Lionel Elie Mamane
- [Libreoffice-qa] Issue with Fax-Wizard in current Build
Andreas Mantke
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bug in Fax-Wizard of LibO 4.1.4 and 4.2.-beta (was: Re: Issue with Fax-Wizard in current Build)
Andreas Mantke
- [Libreoffice-qa] Impress crashes, when you use the wizard and select the effect "
Andreas Mantke
- [Libreoffice-qa] minutes of ESC call ...
Michael Meeks
- [Libreoffice-qa] minutes of ESC call ...
Michael Meeks
- [Libreoffice-qa] minutes of ESC call ...
Michael Meeks
- [Libreoffice-qa] [libo-marketing-priv] [ANN] LibreOffice 4.2.0 RC1 test builds available
Michael Meeks
- [Libreoffice-qa] minutes of ESC call ...
Michael Meeks
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
Samuel Mehrbrodt
- [Libreoffice-qa] Fwd: FreedomSponsors, LibreOffice and Bugzilla
Samuel Mehrbrodt
- [Libreoffice-qa] Major Release Checklist
Cor Nouws
- [Libreoffice-qa] Major Release Checklist
Cor Nouws
- [Libreoffice-qa] MayBeAnEasyHack
Cor Nouws
- [Libreoffice-qa] tag for new features
Kieran Peckett
- [Libreoffice-qa] Missing symbols in squares in "Bullets and Numbering" dialog on "Image" tab
- [Libreoffice-qa] Missing symbols in squares in "Bullets and Numbering" dialog on "Image" tab
- [Libreoffice-qa] Missing symbols in squares in "Bullets and Numbering" dialog on "Image" tab
- [Libreoffice-qa] Empty Options window for "Spelling and Grammar"
- [Libreoffice-qa] Empty Options window for "Spelling and Grammar"
- [Libreoffice-qa] Impress crashes, when you use the wizard and select the effect "
- [Libreoffice-qa] "Character Line Break" set to "0" in "Tools - Options - Language Settings - Writing Aids"?
- [Libreoffice-qa] LO's spellchecker shows grammar errors/hints in English, though UI is in German?
- [Libreoffice-qa] Grammar check does not work, when there is no spellcheck in a document
- [Libreoffice-qa] Grammar check does not work, when there is no spellcheck in a document
- [Libreoffice-qa] Grammar check does not work, when there is no spellcheck in a document
- [Libreoffice-qa] LO's spellchecker shows grammar errors/hints in English, though UI is in German?
- [Libreoffice-qa] LO's spellchecker shows grammar errors/hints in English, though UI is in German?
- [Libreoffice-qa] Grammar check does not work, when there is no spellcheck in a document
- [Libreoffice-qa] LO's spellchecker shows grammar errors/hints in English, though UI is in German?
- [Libreoffice-qa] Tinderbox builds
- [Libreoffice-qa] Testing: Exporting multiple spreadsheet sheets -> CSV on the command line
- [Libreoffice-qa] Testing: Exporting multiple spreadsheet sheets -> CSV on the command line
- [Libreoffice-qa] Tinderboxes: Holiday Wishlist
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bibisect Roundup
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bibisect Roundup
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bibisect Roundup
- [Libreoffice-qa] LO 4.2 RC1 (aka
- [Libreoffice-qa] LO 4.2 RC1 (aka
- [Libreoffice-qa] LO 4.2 RC1 (aka
- [Libreoffice-qa] Git error with bibisect40
Korrawit Pruegsanusak
- [Libreoffice-qa] bug in impress bmp and jpg export
Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
Eike Rathke
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
Florian Reisinger
- [Libreoffice-qa] Crashes in Draw
Florian Reisinger
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
Dennis Roczek
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
Jochen Schiffers
- [Libreoffice-qa] Updater improvements
Rob Snelders
- [Libreoffice-qa] Updater improvements
Rob Snelders
- [Libreoffice-qa] qtz (key-ID) builds with two entries "Language Settings" in "Tools - Options" dialog
- [Libreoffice-qa] qtz (key-ID) builds with two entries "Language Settings" in "Tools - Options" dialog
- [Libreoffice-qa] General organization meeting for 4.2.0 release
- [Libreoffice-qa] Squashtest
- [Libreoffice-qa] Squashtest
- [Libreoffice-qa] 4.1.4rc1 on BZ
- [Libreoffice-qa] Fwd: FreedomSponsors, LibreOffice and Bugzilla
- [Libreoffice-qa] Annual report on activities
- [Libreoffice-qa] "Echap" in MozTrap's test case #40?
- [Libreoffice-qa] Testing: Exporting multiple spreadsheet sheets -> CSV on the command line
- [Libreoffice-qa] BSA updated - check FR version?
- [Libreoffice-qa] Manual tests for 4.2.0 RC1
- [Libreoffice-qa] General organization meeting for 4.2.0 release
- [Libreoffice-qa] tag for new features
- [Libreoffice-qa] tag for new features
- [Libreoffice-qa] Moztrap: relation between version/runs/cases
- [Libreoffice-qa] Manual tests on RC1
- [Libreoffice-qa] Moztrap: relation between version/runs/cases
- [Libreoffice-qa] Major Release Checklist
- [Libreoffice-qa] Major Release Checklist
- [Libreoffice-qa] Major Release Checklist
- [Libreoffice-qa] Moztrap: relation between version/runs/cases
- [Libreoffice-qa] [MozTrap] CSRF error after login (error 403)
- [Libreoffice-qa] Adding Impress Remote on iOS to fdo
- [Libreoffice-qa] LibreOffice BSA
Jean Spiteri
- [Libreoffice-qa] BSA updated - check FR version?
Jean Spiteri
- [Libreoffice-qa] [libo-marketing-priv] [ANN] LibreOffice 4.2.0 beta2 test builds available
Martin Srebotnjak
- [Libreoffice-qa] [libo-marketing-priv] [ANN] LibreOffice 4.2.0 beta2 test builds available
Martin Srebotnjak
- [Libreoffice-qa] [libo-marketing-priv] [ANN] LibreOffice 4.2.0 beta2 test builds available
Martin Srebotnjak
- [Libreoffice-qa] [libo-marketing-priv] [ANN] LibreOffice 4.2.0 beta2 test builds available
Martin Srebotnjak
- [Libreoffice-qa] Tinderbox builds
Norbert Thiebaud
- [Libreoffice-qa] Annouce: Bibisect for MACOSX
Norbert Thiebaud
- [Libreoffice-qa] Annouce: Bibisect for MACOSX
Norbert Thiebaud
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
Norbert Thiebaud
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
Norbert Thiebaud
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
Norbert Thiebaud
- [Libreoffice-qa] [libo-marketing-priv] [ANN] LibreOffice 4.2.0 beta1 test builds available
Norbert Thiebaud
- [Libreoffice-qa] [libo-marketing-priv] [ANN] LibreOffice 4.2.0 beta1 test builds available
Norbert Thiebaud
- [Libreoffice-qa] MacOSX bibisect for 4-2
Norbert Thiebaud
- [Libreoffice-qa] [libo-marketing-priv] [ANN] LibreOffice 4.2.0 beta2 test builds available
Norbert Thiebaud
- [Libreoffice-qa] [libo-marketing-priv] [ANN] LibreOffice 4.2.0 beta2 test builds available
Norbert Thiebaud
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
Norbert Thiebaud
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
Norbert Thiebaud
- [Libreoffice-qa] [libo-marketing-priv] [ANN] LibreOffice 4.2.0 beta2 test builds available
Norbert Thiebaud
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
Norbert Thiebaud
- [Libreoffice-qa] [libo-marketing-priv] [ANN] LibreOffice 4.2.0 beta2 test builds available
Norbert Thiebaud
- [Libreoffice-qa] [libo-marketing-priv] [ANN] LibreOffice 4.2.0 beta2 test builds available
Norbert Thiebaud
- [Libreoffice-qa] [libo-marketing-priv] [ANN] LibreOffice 4.2.0 beta2 test builds available
Norbert Thiebaud
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
Norbert Thiebaud
- [Libreoffice-qa] Git error with bibisect40
Norbert Thiebaud
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
Norbert Thiebaud
- [Libreoffice-qa] Git error with bibisect40
Norbert Thiebaud
- [Libreoffice-qa] [libreoffice-projects] [ANN] LIbreOffice 4.2.0 RC1 available
Norbert Thiebaud
- [Libreoffice-qa] [libreoffice-projects] [ANN] LIbreOffice 4.2.0 RC1 available
Norbert Thiebaud
- [Libreoffice-qa] [libreoffice-projects] [ANN] LIbreOffice 4.2.0 RC1 available
Norbert Thiebaud
- [Libreoffice-qa] Welcome screen help button redirects to wrong page
Alex Thurgood
- [Libreoffice-qa] Welcome screen help button redirects to wrong page
Alex Thurgood
- [Libreoffice-qa] Firebird - creating auto-increment fails via Tools - SQL
Alex Thurgood
- [Libreoffice-qa] Firebird - creating auto-increment fails via Tools - SQL
Alex Thurgood
- [Libreoffice-qa] Signing of Language-packs for Mac OS X?
Alex Thurgood
- [Libreoffice-qa] qtz (key-ID) builds with two entries "Language Settings" in "Tools - Options" dialog
Andras Timar
- [Libreoffice-qa] Grammar check does not work, when there is no spellcheck in a document
Andras Timar
- [Libreoffice-qa] LO 4.2 RC1 (aka
Andras Timar
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
- [Libreoffice-qa] 4.1.4 not available in Bugzilla version field
- [Libreoffice-qa] 27 to go before we're under 900!
- [Libreoffice-qa] 24 to go under 800
- [Libreoffice-qa] 24 to go under 800
- [Libreoffice-qa] 24 to go under 800
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Annouce: Bibisect for MACOSX
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] QA Call Reminder: Monday @ 19:30 UTC
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Annouce: Bibisect for MACOSX
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bibisectzilla needs testing
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bibisectzilla needs testing
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bibisectzilla needs testing
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] ownCloud for Bugzilla - IMHO a no go
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Squashtest
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] ownCloud for Bugzilla - IMHO a no go
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] ownCloud for Bugzilla - IMHO a no go
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] 4.2.0 Bug Hunting Session: Accessibility
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] bug in impress bmp and jpg export
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Updater improvements
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Updater improvements
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Updater improvements
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] ftp: URLs
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bug-Reporting: Needinfo sets "confimed" to 1
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bug-Reporting: Needinfo sets "confimed" to 1
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] ftp: URLs
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Updater improvements
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Updater improvements
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Testing: Exporting multiple spreadsheet sheets -> CSV on the command line
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Testing: Exporting multiple spreadsheet sheets -> CSV on the command line
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Testing: Exporting multiple spreadsheet sheets -> CSV on the command line
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] BSA updated - check FR version?
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Tinderboxes: Holiday Wishlist
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] old Windows x86 libreoffice master builds
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] 4.2 BugHunting Session + QA Meeting Minutes
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Git error with bibisect40
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Tinderboxes: Holiday Wishlist
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bibisect Roundup
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bibisect Roundup
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bibisect Roundup
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bibisect Roundup
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] General organization meeting for 4.2.0 release
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] LibreOffice Math improvements
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] tag for new features
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] QA Meeting Minutes - 2013-12-16
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Accessibility update?
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] FDO/Bugzilla Outages: Technical difficulties, please stand by
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] tag for new features
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] 27 to go before we're under 900!
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] 27 to go before we're under 900!
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Feedback page up
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Feedback page up
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Feedback page up
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] [MozTrap] CSRF error after login (error 403)
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] Adding Impress Remote on iOS to fdo
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] MayBeAnEasyHack
Robinson Tryon
- [Libreoffice-qa] [libo-marketing-priv] [ANN] LibreOffice 4.2.0 beta1 test builds available
Italo Vignoli
- [Libreoffice-qa] [libo-marketing-priv] [ANN] LibreOffice 4.2.0 beta2 test builds available
Jean Weber
- [Libreoffice-qa] [libreoffice-projects] [ANN] LIbreOffice 4.2.0 RC1 available
Jean Weber
- [Libreoffice-qa] [libreoffice-projects] [ANN] LIbreOffice 4.2.0 RC1 available
Jean Weber
- [Libreoffice-qa] [libreoffice-projects] [ANN] LIbreOffice 4.2.0 RC1 available
Jean Weber
- [Libreoffice-qa] Request for bug fix verification
Kohei Yoshida
- [Libreoffice-qa] Request for bug fix verification
Kohei Yoshida
- [Libreoffice-qa] Request for bug fix verification
Kohei Yoshida
- [Libreoffice-qa] Request for bug fix verification
Kohei Yoshida
- [Libreoffice-qa] Request for bug fix verification
Kohei Yoshida
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bibisect - Separate Profile
Mirosław Zalewski
- [Libreoffice-qa] The Wiki-page "ReleaseNotes_4.2" requires replacement one image
- [Libreoffice-qa] Tinderbox builds
- [Libreoffice-qa] Tinderbox builds
- [Libreoffice-qa] minutes of ESC call ...
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bug-Reporting: Needinfo sets "confimed" to 1
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bug-Reporting: Needinfo sets "confimed" to 1
- [Libreoffice-qa] [ANN] LibreOffice 4.2.0 RC1 test builds available
- [Libreoffice-qa] LO 4.2 RC1 (aka
- [Libreoffice-qa] tag for new features
- [Libreoffice-qa] [ANN] LibreOffice 4.2.0 RC1 test builds available
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bibisectzilla needs testing
- [Libreoffice-qa] ownCloud for Bugzilla - IMHO a no go
- [Libreoffice-qa] ownCloud for Bugzilla - IMHO a no go
- [Libreoffice-qa] ownCloud for Bugzilla - IMHO a no go
- [Libreoffice-qa] Symbol server for Windows bug reporting
- [Libreoffice-qa] [ANN] LIbreOffice 4.2.0 RC1 available
- [Libreoffice-qa] 24 to go under 800
- [Libreoffice-qa] 24 to go under 800
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
- [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Migration: Abbreviation to replace fdo#12345
- [Libreoffice-qa] Request for bug fix verification
- [Libreoffice-qa] Fwd: FreedomSponsors, LibreOffice and Bugzilla
Last message date:
Tue Dec 31 15:55:29 PST 2013
Archived on: Sun Jan 5 23:50:16 PST 2014
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).