[Libreoffice-qa] LO's spellchecker shows grammar errors/hints in English, though UI is in German?

Thomas Hackert thackert at nexgo.de
Sun Dec 8 09:56:30 PST 2013

Hello Pedro, *;
On Sonntag, 8. Dezember 2013 18:28 Pedro wrote:
> Thomas Hackert wrote
>> I prefer to reuse Manfred's posted link here:
>> I do not know, how this is called correctly, but I mean this
>> yellow "line" with the text "Possible grammatical error..." in it
>> ... ;)
> I don't get any yellow line when using the standard check. It only

do you really not see this yellow backgrounded message below "Text 
language"? Would you be so kind to download the test document from 
MozTrap (http://manual-test.libreoffice.org/media/attachments/2013/01/15/language-test-en.odt) then, and test it again, please? If I use the German UI, I 
see a couple of blue underlines in the document, and if I start the 
spellchecker and it reaches the first one ["SUSE, ..."] it will say 
"Extra space before the period?" in this yellowish "bar" ... ;)

> shows in Language Tool under 4.2 Beta 2. I think you have detected
> a bug in the Extension, not in LibreOffice.

I have not installed Language Tool, so ... ;)

> Thomas Hackert wrote
>> Do you mean, you tested it with the UI in Portuguese or the
>> document?
> I tested an English US document with a Portuguese UI, as you
> described in the steps to reproduce the bug...


> I just re-tested under LO 4.2 Beta 2 and I can confirm that the
> messages are in English even if the UI is in Portuguese.


> Again I think this is a bug in Language Tool. If you have Language
> Tool remove it and test again if you see the yellow bar

And again: I have not installed Language Tool (neither as an 
extension in LO nor as their standalone package). Other ideas?
Thank you for your answer

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		-- Bruton

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