[Libreoffice-qa] LO's spellchecker shows grammar errors/hints in English, though UI is in German?

Thomas Hackert thackert at nexgo.de
Sun Dec 8 20:09:21 PST 2013

Good morning Pedro, *,
On Montag, 9. Dezember 2013 00:00 Pedro wrote:
> Thomas Hackert wrote
>> do you really not see this yellow backgrounded message below
>> "Text language"? Would you be so kind to download the test
>> document from MozTrap
>> (http://manual-test.libreoffice.org/media/attachments/2013/01/15/language-test-en.odt)
>> then, and test it again, please? If I use the German UI, I
>> see a couple of blue underlines in the document, and if I start
>> the spellchecker and it reaches the first one ["SUSE, ..."] it
>> will say "Extra space before the period?" in this yellowish "bar"
>> ... ;)
> Yes, I finally arrived to that sentence. I didn't get the yellow
> bar before because it only shows up on Grammar suggestions.

ah, O.K. On your picture you linked below, you get the yellow colour 
as well :) I have called it in default of its correct name "bar" ... 

> You are correct that it was not related to Language Tool (it only
> showed up earlier with Language Tool on Beta2)


> I can confirm that the messages are in the wrong language under
> Windows as well. But it is not the default UI language: it is the
> language that it is used for spell checking. I tested with the
> French version of the document you linked and instead of getting
> the messages in Portuguese (as expected since I was using the
> Portuguese UI), I got the messages in French :)

Thanks for confirming :) Do you – by any chance – know, if it is 
already reported to Bugzilla? I will have the time to look this 
evening, but if someone can do this before, I would be more than 
thankful :)

> Hope this helps ;)

Indeed, it did :)
Have a nice day

First law of debate:
	Never argue with a fool. People might not know the 

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