[Libreoffice-qa] Base: Greyed-out icons in document preview on Tables

Robert Großkopf robert at familiegrosskopf.de
Sun Dec 22 02:37:38 PST 2013

Hello Thomas,
> I have opened a test odb file, which connects to MariaDB (mysql Ver 
> 15.1 Distrib 10.0.6-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using 
> readline 5.1). 

Which connection? ODBC, JDBC or do you use a direct connection, which
isn't available for every distribution?

> When I click on "Table" in the left pane, then click 
> on the down arrow to open the menu to select "Document" on the down 
> right pane instead of its default "None", choose my test DB and and 
> test table, I see (though only that long, until I switch to another 
> workspace, program window etc.) greyed out symbols for "Save", 
> "Edit" "Cut" etc. ... :( If I switch back to "None" and then back to 
> "Document", they appear again ... :( Can someone confirm it?

Don't know what this symbols should do there. They appear since LO 4.1.
They have nothing to do, because this is a preview, not a possibiltity
for input content into a table.
Up to LO 4.0.* you could only see the table with the fieldnames and the
If the symbols should be more information, they are placed wrong. They
appear in front of the fieldnames and the first row of the content of a

Have never used this preview, so I haven't recognized that this has been
changed from 4.0 to 4.1.



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