[Libreoffice-qa] Bibisect Repository

Joel Madero jmadero.dev at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 17:20:38 PST 2013

Hey Bjoern & Joren and everyone else,

Not sure who else should be involved with this so I just sent out to QA 
list. We're a bit stumped as to what's going on with the bibisect 
repository. Has anyone gotten it to successfully work? I believe that 
earlier Joren said "latest" was failing for some reason or another. 
Right now I am downloading the 4.1 gig archive file but it's quite a bit 
out of date so it would be good to have the git repo up and running -- 
of course this hope is coming from someone who has 0 ability to help 
make that happen.

Basically looking for:

a) is it up and running?

b) if not, who can we ping for updates?

c) if so, how do we actually use it?

One other thing that we noticed earlier was that the repo was about 2.1 
gigs while the archive is 4+ gigs -- not sure why this would be the case.

Any pointers appreciated, thanks all !

Best Regards,

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