[Libreoffice-qa] Reported issues show the tendency to be more user questions ? BSA related ?

Robert Großkopf robert at familiegrosskopf.de
Mon Jul 1 11:01:43 PDT 2013

Hi Cor,

> Is the process from our French friends - where reports from BSA go 
> trough an email process before being added to BugZilla (that's what I 
> understood from it anyway) - a way to prevent that?

Better we get all the reports we need than not so much reports and a
more buggy LO.
I could only write about the Base-bugs. User-questions in this part of
LO could be answered in a short time (about 2 or 3 days), because there
are "only" 240 bugs open and we have a look at the bug-list nearly every
day if there is reported something new.



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