[Libreoffice-qa] Blitz on Base bugs

Jochen Schiffers oooml at jochenschiffers.de
Tue Jan 19 05:01:19 PST 2016

Hi Alex,

my two cents.....

It is IHMO correct (all 6 months) to check if bugreports are actual.
The problem is that only one (and occasionally two) devs actually is/are 
working on the code. But this not the problem of QA.

Why are you confess? The procedure of QA is another problem than the 
absence of dev.



Am 19.01.2016 um 13:39 schrieb Alexander Thurgood:
> Morning all,
> So, I see that for some reason which is yet unclear to me, there is
> currently a blitz on Base bugs from the QA reminder bot. Quite why, I
> must confess to not understanding. What is the rationale that predicts
> why it should be likely that any of these bugs have been fixed or have
> gone away over the various versions ? Especially those of regular Base
> bug reporters, I see the reminders even target the bugs that the Base
> dev "guardian of the code" has opened ?
> I get that it is indiscriminate, but where is the advantage ? When there
> is (are) only one (and occasionally two) devs actually working on the
> code, why should the bugs have disappeared all of a sudden (or over time) ?
> As the overwhelming majority of anwsers in response to those reminders
> have shown, the bugs are still present. This is hardly surprising given
> that there are too few developers around to be able to work on them.
> Alex
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