[Libreoffice-ux-advise] some thoughts on the Sidebar

Cor Nouws oolst at nouenoff.nl
Thu Sep 26 12:05:37 PDT 2013

Hi Jean-Fraincois, *

[ picking up this thread, now/as far as time allows ]

Jean-Francois Nifenecker wrote (19-09-13 07:14)

> Le 18/09/2013 17:16, Cor Nouws a écrit :
>> It would be my strong, very strong, preference to make controls for
>> direct formatting hidden, far hidden, and clearly show styles in a
>> useful way.
> \o/ Yeah! I love you! Go for it! We *need* that!
> Styles are the very feature that distinguishes LibO. It should be highly
> publicised.

My idea :)

> BTW, enhancements to styles are possible:
> -- styles and formatting window: possibility of hiding styles
> This allows document creators to have a set of basic styles which won't
> be used by the final users. These only see the styles they are meant to
> apply. AFAIK, the current hiding mechanism do support that well.

Can you pls explain what misses?

> -- Table styles
> A long-time missing feature

  (I see the coder sitting rght in front of me at the Hackaton in Milan ;) )

> -- Simplify the list styles
> (though I do like them)
> and probably others...


  - Cor Nouws
  - http://nl.libreoffice.org
  - The Document Foundation Membership Committee Member

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