[Libreoffice] credits page is 403 access forbidden

Cedric Bosdonnat cedric.bosdonnat.ooo at free.fr
Tue Oct 26 04:50:06 PDT 2010

Hi Sebastian,

On Tue, 2010-10-26 at 11:41 +0200, Sebastian Spaeth wrote:
> Please put something like this in its place:
> http://sspaeth.de/uploads/tmp/index.html

I'ld love to have at least the wiki authors in before making the
official page live.

> (with or without graphs).

I'ld prefer without the graphs as it's only a credits page. Miklos
pointed to a nice script for git live stats, but I can't remember it.

> P.S. I can periodically rerun the script to create the page. It is also
> online if you want to do it yourselves.

What would be needed is to integrate that script on a
documentfoundation.org server and run a cron every night.

Cédric Bosdonnat
LibreOffice hacker
OOo Eclipse Integration developer

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