[Libreoffice] Kicking off 3rdparty packages

Michael Meeks michael.meeks at novell.com
Mon Jan 31 05:30:58 PST 2011

On Sat, 2011-01-29 at 14:44 +0100, Francois Tigeot wrote:
> I'm still trying to figure out the autogen.sh stuff and make it use the
> correct paths for libraries; one of the errors I got is really freaking
> me out:


> Why would LO need to build it own version of Mozilla/Seamonkey !?
> And why such an old version; it must be full of security holes by now...

	The first line of */prj/build.lst lists dependencies for a module:

$ grep  MOZ:moz */prj/build.lst
connectivity/prj/build.lst:cn  connectivity    :    shell  l10n comphelper MOZ:moz svl UNIXODBC:unixODBC unoil javaunohelper HSQLDB:hsqldb qadevOOo officecfg NSS:nss NULL
libxmlsec/prj/build.lst:ls  libxmlsec   : stlport soltools LIBXML2:libxml2 MOZ:moz NULL
xmlsecurity/prj/build.lst:xs    xmlsecurity     :    l10n xmloff unotools offapi unoil svx MOZ:moz LIBXMLSEC:libxmlsec NSS:nss NULL

	Which in laymans terms means - we use it for connectivity (moz
adressbook I guess), and xml security foo - AFAIR the cert management
stuff in moz really needs pushing down to NSS, or splitting out.

	Clearly, we could take a big knife to Mozilla to pare out the vast
majority of it that we do not need, and keep those two - it would be
even more wonderful to get that split out up-stream.

	Could you help hack on that ?



 michael.meeks at novell.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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