[Libreoffice] [EASY HACKS] machine translation of remaining german comments acceptable?

Christophe Strobbe christophe.strobbe at esat.kuleuven.be
Wed Oct 5 07:14:36 PDT 2011


A few comments inline below.

At 15:12 5-10-2011, Noel Grandin wrote:
>I'm trying to write a machine translation program for the remaining 
>german comments in the source code (using google-translate to do the 
>heavy lifting).
>Is this acceptable?
>I'm not a german speaker, so I won't be able to vet the resulting 
>translation for accuracy, but I've done this before for other 
>applications, and the results were deemed reasonable.
>I have the basic process working already (see below), but still lots 
>of tweaking to go.
>Thanks, Noel Grandin
>automation/source/simplecm/simplecm.cxx:417:    CommunicationLinkRef 
>rHold(pCL);    // H?lt den Zeiger bis zum Ende des calls
>automation/source/simplecm/simplecm.cxx:417:    CommunicationLinkRef 
>rHold(pCL);    // Keeps the pointer to the end of calls

-> "... to the end of the call"

>automation/source/testtool/cmdstrm.cxx:375:            /// #59513# 
>nicht mehr ben?tigt ( siehe oben )
>automation/source/testtool/cmdstrm.cxx:375:            /// # 59 513 
># bentigt not (see above)

Should translate to "no longer needed (see above)".

>automation/source/testtool/objtest.cxx:3107:// to prevent 
>automation/source/testtool/objtest.cxx:3107:// to preventable

Not sure what to advise here...

>basctl/source/basicide/baside2.cxx:263:// "Import" von baside4.cxx
>basctl/source/basicide/baside2.cxx:263:// "Import" of baside4.cxx
>basctl/source/basicide/basidesh.cxx:257:    // Damit bei einem 
>Basic-Fehler beim Speichern die Shell nicht sofort
>basctl/source/basicide/basidesh.cxx:257:    // This not a basic 
>error when saving the shell immediately

The German sentence is incomplete.
I think the English translation should be something like: "To prevent 
the shell from [missing end of sentence] when a Basic error occurs 
during saving."

>basic/source/app/textedit.cxx:260:            if ( r.nStart > r.nEnd 
>)    // Nur bis Bug von MD behoben
>basic/source/app/textedit.cxx:260:            if ( r.nStart > r.nEnd 
>)    // Fixed bug only to the MD

I don't understand the German comment.

>basic/source/classes/sbunoobj.cxx:2721:                        // 
>nicht als feste Property in das Object aufgenommen werden und
>basic/source/classes/sbunoobj.cxx:2721:                        // 
>are not included as a fixed property in the Object

The German source is an incomplete sentence, so it's hard to judge 
the translation.

>basic/source/runtime/props.cxx:93:    // liefert eine leere Objekt-Variable.
>basic/source/runtime/props.cxx:93:    // returns an empty object variable.
>basic/source/sbx/sbxvar.cxx:179:        // Because the method could 
>be called from outside, check the Da die Methode von aussen 
>aufrufbar ist, hier noch einmal
>basic/source/sbx/sbxvar.cxx:179:        // Because the method could 
>be called from outside, check the outside, as the method is 
>accessible from here again

Ah, so Google alto translates Denglisch to English. ;-)
I think the English translation should be something like: "Since the 
method can be called from outside (outside what?), [missing verb/end 
of sentence] [needs to? / should be?] again here."

Best regards,


Christophe Strobbe
K.U.Leuven - Dept. of Electrical Engineering - SCD
Research Group on Document Architectures
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 bus 2442
B-3001 Leuven-Heverlee
tel: +32 16 32 85 51
Twitter: @RabelaisA11y
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